Tuesday, January 17, 2006

IRD Trashes An Easter for all families

United Methodist blogger, Josh Tinley, tells this story pretty well. IRD (the Institute for Religion and Democracy) is a neo-conservative Washington D.C. think tank funded by wealthy secular right-wing foundations and has long sought to destroy the social and political influence of progressive Christians in the mainline churches. One of their favorite tools is the cynical use of homophobia to discredit their targets, but their other targets include Christian peace activists and Christian efforts towards more just economic policies.

IRD is a master of the propaganda tool known as "framing." So it is that Soulforce's attempt to show that lesbian and gay American families and their children can and should share in the family events of our nation is being described by IRD as "crashing" the White House, thus falsely framing Soulforce's plans in violent terms. Lesbian and gay families with their children seek only the same access that other families have to such an event. Frankly, I think it would be smart of George Bush to admit a mixed group of American families. I don't believe George Bush is personally anti-gay. There have been indications that he personally does not share the prejudices being manipulated by the IRD. Unfortunately, his political advisors (notably Karl Rove) like to use the gay "issue" to motivate their right-wing religious base.

My partner, Jim and I, will be Grandpas sometime around Easter this year. It saddens me to think there is any public, civic event in this society where we would not be welcome with our grandchild on the same basis as any other family.

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